Golden Homes - Waikato
Golden Homes - Waikato
For sale
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3 Karewa Place, Pukete, Hamilton, New Zealand
027 370 ...Visit agency site
Golden Homes - Waikato
Design & Build your Dream Home with Golden Homes Whatever you've dreamed about building is possible when you build with Golden Homes. Our knowleadgable team of New Home Consultants will walk you through the buying process and work with you to achieve exactly what you've been dreaming of. We have been building quality homes to the highest standard for over 30 years. We are the NZ Leaders in Steel Framed Home Construction. Our Zog Steel Framing system is a comprehensively engineered steel framing system that has been specifically designed for New Zealand's unique conditions and the demands of New Zealand families for a stronger, more durable, healthier living environment. ZOG steel frames exceed expectations in earthquakes. Tested independently in Australia, the steel frame and bricks successfully exceeded 9 on the Richter scale. ZOG steel frames are chemical-free, allergen free and dust-free and have been approved by Sensitive Choice New Zealand, for providing a potential benefit to those with asthma and allergies. Thus providing you with a healthier home! ZOG steel frames come with a 50 year durability warranty from New Zealand Steel. Book a free consultation with one of New Home Consultants today, and open your mind to the possibilities with Golden Homes.

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