OneRoof estimated property valuations FAQs

What are OneRoof estimated property valuations, and how are they calculated?
The estimates on a property seem low (or high). Why?
What is an AVM Estimate?
A property has recently sold or been rented. Why do the estimates not match the price it sold or rented for?
Do OneRoof estimated property valuations take recent renovations and improvements made to the property since it was last sold?
What does the estimated property value range mean?
Are OneRoof estimated property valuations formal valuations?
Can I use OneRoof's estimated property valuations to get a loan from the bank?
Can I use a OneRoof estimated property valuation as a tender offer?
Does OneRoof carry out regular reviews around how estimated property valuations are calcuated?
How often do OneRoof estimated property valuations get updated?
If the estimated valuation of my property seems incorrect, can I get it reviewed?
I don't want OneRoof to display an estimated property valuation on my property. Can you please remove it?
Why is the rateable value (RV) different to the estimated value?
Why do some properties not have an estimated property valuation?
Why does my property not have an estimate?
Where does OneRoof find its data?
What does median sales price mean?
What does median rent mean?
What does capital growth mean?
What does rental yield mean?
Disclaimer about data gathered from Auckland Council
Disclaimer about data gathered from LINZ (Land Information New Zealand)

General FAQs

What is OneRoof?
How do I search for properties I'm interested in?
I can't find a particular property. Why?
Does OneRoof display personal information about a property?
Where does OneRoof get property data from?
How long does a property show as being 'sold'?
Why can't I see the estimated property valuation of a 'sold' property?