Disclaimer and disclosure

This Platform has been developed in an effort to help you make your property decisions easier. However, in presenting you with available properties from Real Estate Agents and other service providers and listers (together, “Agents”), OneRoof is not recommending that you choose a particular property or Agent– it is a platform to facilitate engagement between independent third parties.

General Disclaimer

Although we aim to ensure the property listings, advertisements and information contained within our Platform is accurate and up to date, we make no warranty as to the accuracy, legality, completeness, or usefulness of the information, nor do we assume any legal liability or responsibility for this. This includes the truth about ownership of any property listed.

Listings are not pre-screened for content and OneRoof reserves the right to change the contents or remove any listing at any time without notice.

We are not a party to any sale transaction or tenancy facilitated through our Platform. OneRoof will only present you with listed properties based on your selection criteria. All transactions are conducted at the parties’ own risk and we accept no responsibility or liability for the quality or fitness of any listed property, any representations made concerning any listed property, a party’s ability to complete a transaction, or a party’s title to any particular property.

Our involvement in the tenancy application process (the “Tenancy Application”) is solely through the provision of the Platform as a service to Agents. We do not take any part in:

a. the final decision of assessing your Tenancy Application, which is done by the relevant Property Manager;

b. providing any representations to you about the property; or

c. the rental of any property to you.

OneRoof makes no representations about, and accepts no responsibility for, the suitability or quality of any property, product or service that is advertised on this Platform. If you have a dispute in relation to any property, product or service that you take up after using OneRoof, then you will need to resolve that dispute with the Agent, Property Manager or financial service provider directly.

OneRoof is not the agent of any Agent in relation to any property or the provision of any product or service, nor the agent of either party to any transaction that is between you and any Agent. OneRoof provides a platform only. However, in order to be able to provide our services to you at no charge, we do receive lead generation fees or a commission from Providers.

Mortgage Calculator

OneRoof’s Mortgage Calculator, like the other tools and related information provided on our Platform, are a guide only and not intended to be your only source of information nor it is a quote or offer of finance.

The automated Mortgage Calculator is indicative only. The calculator does not take into account your complete personal financial situation or objectives and relies on assumptions that may not be relevant to you. Use these as a starting point and then seek professional advice. Calculated figures are based on the accuracy of the information entered and are made using the following assumptions:

• You do not change your loan amount.

• You make your repayments in full and on time and do not make any extra repayments.

• The interest rate remains the same for your loan term (note that in reality, interest rates are likely to change over time).

• Interest is calculated daily and charged at the same frequency as you choose for repayments over your loan term.

• Your repayment amounts are calculated on a “principal and interest” basis over your loan term.

• Actual amounts may vary slightly due to rounding.

We do not guarantee that any financial service provider will accept your application for any mortgage or service. The availability of financial services provider information does not constitute a recommendation or endorsement by us regarding any particular provider or transaction. We do not warrant in relation to the suitability of submitting any mortgage or service application, the information contained in a mortgage or service application, or the merit or suitability of applying for credit. Each financial service provider will assess your application and decide whether or not you meet its criteria in its discretion. OneRoof is not involved in that process.

If you do apply for finance from a financial services provider, their current home lending criteria (including minimum equity requirements), terms, fees and charges will apply. Interest rates are also subject to change at any time, without notice to you.

OneRoof Estimated Property Valuations

OneRoof sources its property valuation data from Valocity which gathers a range of data to estimate the value that a property could sell or rent for. The data upon which we have relied in formulating such values includes publicly-accessible figures like the sale and rent prices of similar properties, local council valuations and market trends and other third party provider data. The data is of a general nature and should not be relied upon in lieu of appropriate professional advice. While Valocity uses commercially reasonable efforts to ensure Valocity’s data is current, Valocity does not warrant the accuracy, currency or completeness of its data and to the full extent permitted by law excludes all loss or damage howsoever arising (including through negligence) in connection with Valocity’s data.

OneRoof estimated property values provided on the Platform are estimates only and you must only use them on that basis. They are produced using an automated, computer driven mathematical model that relies on the data that is available. They are generated without a physical inspection of the property and do not incorporate:

• market conditions (including building, planning, or economic) or other external factors that could impact the sale or rental price of a property, like changes in the economy or the housing market generally, future infrastructure plans or the environment; or

• all specific property factors, observable features or risks, such as the standard of construction, recent renovations, adverse environmental issues, improvements, aesthetics, views or aspect, unique features, the current state of repair and decoration, or the specific location.

We also rely on third party provider data and publicly-accessible data to be accurate. Where data from external sources is inaccurate for any reason, the accuracy of OneRoof’s estimated property values will likely be impacted. Similarly, where there is insufficient external data to provide even a broad estimated range, nothing is displayed on the Platform.

OneRoof’s estimated property values should be treated as part of your overall property research, and should not be relied on for property sale, purchase, mortgage or related purposes. Estimated property values are current only at the date of publication and must not be relied upon as a professional valuation or an accurate representation of the market value of the property as determined by a valuer. We strongly recommend that all usual and appropriate due diligence, research and professional advice should be carried out when making any decision about buying or selling property. For a current appraisal of your property, we recommend contacting local real estate agents or property managers or a registered valuer who will carry out a formal valuation (at your own cost). OneRoof and Valocity expressly exclude any warranties and representations that an estimate is an accurate representation as to the market value of a property.

What does the gauge mean?

Our accuracy depends on how much reliable external data we can access. The gauge lets you see at a glance how accurate our estimates are for an individual property.

Great data, smallest range
Standard data, standard range
Minimal data, widest range

No estimate: Not enough data to create an estimate.

Building Consent Information

OneRoof sources its building consent data or information from a variety of third party sources. Building consent data is not available for all properties in New Zealand and may be incomplete due to these collection limitations. It relies on the accuracy of the description of the property provided against the building consent data sourced from third parties. Any errors in the details of the property entered may lead to incorrect building consent data being provided. We strongly recommend you check the appropriateness of the information contained in the building consent report against the actual property or surrounding properties (including physical attributes of such property).

Where an estimated construction cost is included in the building consent information, these may differ from the actual construction cost.

Title Reports

OneRoof sources some of its data and information for a property from the certificate of title. This is a subset of information available from the relevant registering body and has not been changed in any way. Such data and information is not a substitute for a certificate of title. The data and information is updated at regular intervals (promptly after receipt) but may be up to six weeks old. You should be aware that at any time, the data or information relating to a certificate of title may be out of date and superseded.

Capital Growth

Capital growth is calculated by determining the difference between the current “Estimated Property Valuation” and the same “Estimated Property Valuation” from the previous 12 months and expressing this as a percentage. The capital growth calculation relies on estimated data to provide a view of comparative historic performance and should not be used as a guarantee of expected return. We recommend appropriate due diligence, research and professional advice should be carried out to determine if the property meets your investment criteria.

Affordability Growth

When you enter your affordability criteria, which includes budget, household income, deposit amount, percentage of income available for mortgage repayments, loan length and interest rates, the search results generate an affordability value shown on a map, which gives you an estimated budget. This will then be matched to properties that have a similar estimated value range. These could be higher or lower than your affordability value.

More information about the commute search

OneRoof combines a range of publicly sourced transport based datasets from local and regional councils and agencies and the New Zealand Transport Agency to create an advanced predictive multi-modal network model that has the ability to calculate travel times and distances during peak commute time. Travel modes included in this network are travelling by private vehicle, public transport, walking, and cycling.

The commute search produces results that indicate an average commute at peak time which is a combination of peak morning (8.00am – 9.00am) and evening commute travel (5.00pm – 6.00pm) times.

The commute search generates regions that encompass banded estimations of travel times or distance (as determined by a particular travel mode) from a selected address. From this OneRoof will present properties that are listed for sale or rent that fall within the resulting commute bands.

The transportation data provided is an estimate only and should not be used as a guarantee of commute time or distance. We recommend trying your preferred commute mode of transport to confirm it meets your commute requirements at peak time.

Area statistical information and other third party content

The Platform contains statistical location and other data and information sourced from third party sources, including Land Information New Zealand, Stats NZ, New Zealand Police, Ministry of Education, local authorities and Google. All of the following information is licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence:

• New Zealand Ministry of Education: School information for schools in an area, in particular school names and contact details, zoning, roll information, decile rating, and school results. This is New Zealand Ministry of Education copyright material and is licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

Stats NZ: Statistics for an area uses demographic information sourced from the most current census data produced by Stats NZ. This is based on/includes Stats NZ’s data which are licensed by Stats NZ for reuse under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

• New Zealand Police: Crime information for an area uses general reported crime data published by the New Zealand Police (the New Zealand Police group this information according the postal system’s mech block location units and OneRoof aggregates this into suburbs). This copyright material is licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

• Land Information New Zealand (LINZ): Property records for a property - the title number, type of title, legal description and estate description is sourced from LINZ and licensed by LINZ for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

• Councils, Regional Councils and other Local Authorities across New Zealand (Local Authorities):

Property records for a property - we use the following data points from Local Authorities

DeckLiving areaContourFloor areaConditionCouncil
Unitary planOff street parkingView typeLand areaYear of constructionConstruction

Rating valuation and property history for a property - as well as the per cent differences given comparing a Local Authority’s previous ratable value to the current value, we use the following data points from Local Authorities

Rateable valueLand valueImprovement valueDate property sold
Value property sold forConsent issued and descriptionDate of RV assessmentDate built

Such information is by its nature general and you must only use it on that basis.

Information on schools does not represent any warranty that the schools zoning will necessarily include the property you are looking at. If this is important to you, we strongly recommend that you contact the applicable school.

The statistical information, including area property valuations, location demographics and crime statistics:

• is based on historical data and may not reflect the location today or in the future; and

• was prepared by third parties and is provided to you through the Platform as a free service only without any warranties provided by us (to the maximum extent permitted by law).

All such information should be treated as only one part of your overall property research, and should not be relied on for property sale, purchase, mortgage or related purposes.

OneRoof reproduces materials and content owned or licenced by Valocity and may include data, statistics, estimates, indices, photographs, maps, tools, calculators (including their outputs), commentary, reports and other information (Valocity Data).

© Copyright 2020. Valocity Limited and its licensors are the sole and exclusive owners of all rights, title and interest (including intellectual property rights) subsisting in Valocity’s data, including any data, analytics, statistics and other information of Valocity Limited. All rights reserved.

All prices are stated in New Zealand dollars (NZ$).

By accessing this Platform and any OneRoof services you agree you have read and are bound by the User Terms, Disclaimers and Disclosures and our Privacy Policy.Please read them carefully.