Harcourts Whakatane has always been considered a leader in the Whakatane region's real estate market. With the combined success of our Residential, NAI Commercial, Rural Lifestyle, and Property management teams and divisions, we cover the full spectrum of real estate and provide unparalleled support and advice to our customers and clients. We’re also incredibly proud to have been awarded the Most Trusted real estate brand throughout New Zealand for 8 years running.
Harcourts has four key factors which have contributed greatly to our ongoing success... the strength of the Harcourts brand since its establishment in 1888, our superior business and information systems, proven marketing tools and strategies, plus our incredibly talented, skilled and committed people.
We have expert knowledge of the property market and we are always eager to chat about the local and national market trends. Our team are regularly involved in our community and community events, and it is with a sense of pride that we call Whakatane our home. We just love living and working in this coastal paradise.
If you have decided to move, that’s great, you are one step closer to a new, exciting and adventurous lifestyle. The next decision is who can supply the most professional real estate service to sell your property. We would welcome the opportunity to talk to you in person about our team who have one goal in mind, to maximise the sale price of your property, and ensure you as our client have the very best real estate experience.