Manor Realty
Manor Realty
For sale
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26a Liverpool Street, Hamilton Central, Hamilton, New Zealand
022 502 ...Visit agency site
Manor Realty
Why Choose Manor? First and foremost, you want to know that you are making the right choice in selecting an agent to manage your property. Rest assured, by choosing Manor Realty, you’ll have confidence knowing that we are up to date with the latest legislation and take part in regular industry training. We have legal advisers at hand and can quickly minimise disputes raised and move forward in a timely, co-operative manner. With almost a decade of experience, you can sleep easy knowing that you’ve made the right choice. At Manor Realty, we pride ourselves on looking after the best quality homes which attract the highest calibre of tenants. Not only will we look after the day to day management of your investment property, we will find ways of maximising your returns and preserving your home to a high standard. Manor Realty uses the latest technology and systems to ensure that your asset is in secure hands. By using the best available software to us, we are able to: Advertise your home to stand out above the rest Background search all prospective tenants including credit checks Complete detailed reference checks Ensure there are no delays signing a new tenancy Effectively pay our landlords on time Show clear and understandable statements Set quarterly property inspections Set rent review reminders The ongoing care is crucial to Manor Realty and we strive to ensure that all parties are happy. This ultimately leads to better care of properties, tenants tend to stay longer and the risk of tribunal action is significantly reduced.

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Our team
26a Liverpool Street, Hamilton Central, Hamilton, New Zealand
Liston Togia
Liston Togia
Residential Sales Expert
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26a Liverpool Street, Hamilton Central, Hamilton, New Zealand
Ayalister Dsouza
Ayalister Dsouza
Licensee Salesperson
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26a Liverpool Street, Hamilton Central, Hamilton, New Zealand
Harman Kalotia
Harman Kalotia
Co Founder & Licensed Sales Agent
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26a Liverpool Street, Hamilton Central, Hamilton, New Zealand
Mmayank Soni
Mmayank Soni
Residential Sales Consultant
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26a Liverpool Street, Hamilton Central, Hamilton, New Zealand
Renaldi Kotzé
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26a Liverpool Street, Hamilton Central, Hamilton, New Zealand
Adam Brady
Adam Brady
Head Property Manager
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