Mars Realty Group Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Albany
Mars Realty Group Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Albany
Mars Realty
For sale
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227A Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
09 448 ...Visit agency site
Mars Realty Group Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Albany
About Mars Realty
Our team collectively encompass over half a century of real estate experience. ‘Plan-it for your future’ incorporates the overall contribution of Mars to your life, it looks to your future and plans accordingly. Your Way, Mars Way. A sales consultant working with Mars will seek to push the envelope with the value of service, providing help and advice well after the transaction has been completed. Service, of course, would only go so far unless accompanied by knowledge of the market and trained consultants who know what they are doing. With their multi-faceted skill set and global worldview, Mars Realty delivers marketing knowledge in the development, residential and commercial sectors of the Real Estate market. The team have found that over the years people keep coming back and there is a good reason for this. They value trust, they value knowledge and most of all they value integrity when it comes to transacting what will most likely create a whole new life for them. This is our secret and we know that it is of the utmost importance to over-deliver on our promises in order to keep our business humming.

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Our team
227A Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
Matty Ma
Matty Ma
Senior Sales Consultant
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227A Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
Evan Cui
Evan Cui
Sales Consultant
Average sale price
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227A Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
Shawn Ma
Shawn Ma
Residential & Lifestyle Consultant
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227A Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
Greg Antona
Greg Antona
Senior Sales Consultant
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227A Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
Asli Can
Asli Can
Senior Sales Consultant
Average sale price
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227A Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
Michael Ma
Michael Ma
Senior Sales Consultant
Average sale price
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227A Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
Eric Rong
Eric Rong
Sales Consultant
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227A Dairy Flat Highway, Albany, Auckland, New Zealand
Judy Cao
Judy Cao
Senior Sales Consultant
Average sale price
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