Amy Ho
About Amy Ho
Dedicated real estate consultants Amy and Jonas Ho have built a reputation for exceptional service that doesn’t stop when the sale is settled. They go beyond the call of duty as they truly appreciate the trust clients have put in them to market their property. With their positive attitude and friendly approach, they make sure selling a home is a great experience; one that’s both stress-free and rewarding.

“Selling a home can be a very emotional, frustrating time. We try to take that away by offering a more caring attitude - building a close personal relationship with clients. Often that means helping clients to move on or assisting with their tenancy agreement once the property has been sold. For us, it’s not just about the money. We really do care. Right from the start, the relationship is built on clear communication; listening carefully to understand the seller’s motivation so we can achieve exactly what is required.

“To do so, we talk frequently, responding to every question and answering any concern. Our clients know exactly what is going on as we relay feedback about the property so there are no surprises.”

Amy and Jonas are very specific about the marketing and presentation of a property. Nothing is left to chance. Attention is paid to every last detail. They give a detailed brief to the professional photographer and copywriter for the advertising promotion. If it’s not right first time, they spend more time to ensure it’s absolutely perfect and presents the property for the best competitive advantage.

Although they always try to be fair gaining win/win solutions for both sellers and buyers, in an effort to get the best price, they never miss any promotional opportunity. Both Amy and Jonas take maximum advantage of the extensive Barfoot & Thompson network. As well as sending out group invitations, they frequently go beyond that by personally inviting specific consultants to view their clients’ properties.

When offers come in, they will only recommend their sellers accept when they truly believe they have explored the market fully and it is the very best offer available. It’s a very thorough approach, but one which has seen them excel in the industry for many years.

Before moving to the central Auckland area, Amy and her Jonas were among the top performing agents for another real estate group in West Auckland. They have been part of the Barfoot & Thompson team for years, but they still get referrals from their many loyal clients from West Auckland.

Having gained qualifications at the top university in Taiwan and worked in the information technology industry, Amy and Jonas are both able to fully utilise the technology and systems provided by Barfoot & Thompson to increase the exposure of your home. If a seller is looking for more exposure within the local Asian community, Amy and Jonas are very well-connected. They have recently been involved with a leading Asian television programme from Taiwan, helping to produce a feature, in-depth commentary on Auckland’s luxury property market. Plus they speak fluent English, Mandarin and Taiwanese and have an interpreting certificate should you require specialist language skills.

For an experienced real estate consultant partnership that can offer you a genuine difference and outstanding results, put Amy and Jonas at the top of your list.
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