Belinda Duurloo
About Belinda Duurloo

When purchasing a home in Auckland Belinda Duurloo couldn’t have imagined she would also gain a whole new career.

Personally recruited for her business aptitude, people skills and careful attention to detail, her suitability to the real estate industry couldn’t be ignored and she has certainly delivered over and again for her clients through the course of her career – vendors and buyers alike.

Helping develop her signature empathy and understanding, in her past life Belinda spent 12 years teaching primary school in South Auckland before transferring her skills to London, and it’s these experiences which have shaped her unique approach to real estate – treating no two clients or campaigns the same.

Sharp and well-informed with big-picture thinking, as an educator, Belinda makes it a priority to stay abreast of anything relevant to Auckland's property sector – and from legislative changes to council regulations and economic developments, her clients are consistently the best informed in her business.

It’s this balance and well-rounded approach to real estate which has enabled Belinda to stand out amongst the ultra-competitive Auckland property industry whilst retaining repeat clientele with her flawless customer service.

Backed by Ray White Austar Belinda Duurloo has found the winning combination to success and by providing a service with its equal parts professional and innovative, she is the salesperson to effect positive results in your next property transaction.

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All Listings by Belinda Duurloo
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Belinda is a positive and 'happy to help' person- Anne Cameron
Belinda is very friendly, knowledgeable and empathetic. She listens to you and goes the extra mile to ensure that the sale process goes as smoothly as possible. Ours was a long sale period in a difficult market, but she persevered and ensured that we achieved a good result.- Bobby Dempsey
Belinda is very friendly, knowledgeable and empathetic. She listens to you and goes the extra mile to ensure that the sale process goes as smoothly as possible. Ours was a long sale period in a difficult market, but she persevered and ensured that we achieved a good result.- Bobby Dempsey
Assertive, very personable, professorial. Thank you from the Lees- Darren Lee
Belinda Duurloo
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