Bianca Davidson
About Bianca Davidson

The real estate agent you choose makes all the difference.

Bianca is trusted to deliver results whilst upholding a quality attitude and service. Her diligence and meticulous attention to detail ensures all clients receive an exceptional level of care during the buying and selling process. She is ambitious with a plan of action and it’s this dedication that offers the kind of relationship you seek.

Experienced in many avenues of real estate, Bianca specialises in residential sales within the Christchurch and Selwyn markets. Working within the highly successful Chris Jones Team, Bianca has proven success marketing and selling a variety of properties, across all value ranges including residential homes, section developments and house and land packages.

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All Listings by Bianca Davidson
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"We found both Bianca and Kayla to be efficient, professional and friendly. Both were thorough throughout the whole process of selling our property. It was really comforting to know we could trust them to get the best deal for us. It was our first auction experience and the advice, knowledge professionalism they gave was outstanding. So much so that we have asked them to be our agents on our next sale in Christchurch. It's good to have them again as we have formed a good trusting relationship. Essential aspect when we are in Wellington..good to know our property will be in good hands. Thank you ladies for your great work." Robyn D-
"Throughout the buying process Bianca was very supportive and friendly to deal with. Nothing was too much trouble and made it as stress free." Pieter S "We received professional service from start to finish, and an auction result we were very happy with. A smartly run campaign, thank you to team Jones, in particular, Bianca and Sarah" Andrea and Russell C-
"Bianca Davidson has gone above and beyond our expectations. She has been an absolute delight to deal with and we would have no hesitation in recommending her.” Amanda-
“Bianca was lovely to deal with, always did what she said she said would do, always on time. Always contactable and went the extra mile” Julie and Roger-
Bianca Davidson
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