Billy McCallum
About Billy McCallum

Billy McCallum is a highly motivated young individual. He emits enthusiasm and passion, and is committed to a next level real estate service unlike any other. Easily identifiable by clients, Billy’s personality reflects his desire for success. Exciting his clients with innovative advertising and creative marketing, Billy ensures an always high standard of promotion for the properties he deals with, from a humble unit right through to a spectacular residence.

Always bursting with energy and a can do attitude, Billy’s dedicated approach is aimed to achieve premium prices and subsequently very happy customers. You can rest assured with Billy, who will use his well-trained negotiation skills and specialist knowledge to secure a result beyond expectation – as any colleague will attest, he gets the job done. Actively involving you the home owner in the sales process, Billy uses the best systems of reporting and communication via Ray White to provide a procedure that takes the stress out of selling your home. Client logins (real-time online), weekly report letters and weekly home owner meetings are all part of the package.

With a loyal hard working approach, superior attention to detail and a devotion to stand out from the crowd, selling your home with Billy McCallum ensures great results. For creativity, vibrancy and experience Billy and his team at Metro the #1 selling Office in the South Island are the obvious choice in Christchurch real estate.

“Busy building my reputation daily… not just relying on one!”

2020 Ray White Executive Performer

2019 Ray White Premier Performer

2018 Ray White Executive Performer

2017 Ray White Executive Performer

2016 Ray White Executive Performer

#3 Salesperson of the Year 2019/20 Ray White Metro #1 Group in the South Island

#3 Salesperson July 2019 Ray White Metro #1 RW Office in the South Island

#1 Salesperson June 2019 Ray White Metro #1 RW Office in the South Island

#2 Salesperson May 2019 Ray White Metro #1 RW Office in the South Island

#1 Salesperson March 2019 Ray White Metro #1 RW Office in the South Island

#1 Salesperson November 2018 Ray White Metro #1 RW Office in the South Island

#1 Salesperson August 2018 Ray White Metro #1 RW Office in the South Island

#2 Salesperson October 2016 Ray White Metro #1 RW Office in South Island

#2 Salesperson September 2015 Ray White Metro #1 RW Office in South Island

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Waimairi Beach
All Listings by Billy McCallum
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Billy was great - he was very friendly, efficient and he seemed to do his best to help us as much as the sellers.- Lynda
Billy was tenacious in his handling of this difficult sale. He explained the evolving situation very well. I wouldn't have received the result I had - both sale and unexpected price in current market - without his attention to detail and persistence.- Lynda
Working with Billy he has always been professional, reliable and caters to every aspect of the sale- Stewart
We found Billy very easy to work with. He's a quick and effective communicator, and an ideas man: thinks outside the box. Came up with the suggestion that the vendors could stay on as tenants for a period, which clinched the deal for all parties.- James
Billy McCallum
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