Blair Earnshaw
About Blair Earnshaw
A DESIRE TO SUCCEED I have enjoyed a career in sales for the past 30 years where I have used my abilities to move up from sales in to management positions, by understanding that every person you deal with deserves the right to be heard, listened to and understood. Always realising that my job was not only to sell but to make sure that the experience was as enjoyable and stress free as possible for the clients I worked with. Having always been the type of person who enjoyed talking to people I have loved my years selling and utilising my skill sets to achieve the best results, communication is to me the number one attribute any good salesperson should have. My wife who I have been with for the past 28 years has been involved in the real estate industry herself for the past 20 years as an office administrator and was the driving force behind me making the decision to make real estate the next step in my career, her belief that I was wasting my talents as a “people person” as she calls it and my ability to achieve the goals that I set myself “a desire to succeed” is the main reason that I have chosen to become a real estate agent. My commitment to my clients is to understand that any client, who gives me an opportunity to work with them on their next real estate purchase or sale, is showing confidence in me. I in return, must show them the respect, work ethic and desire to succeed that confidence deserves.
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