Fang Wang
About Fang Wang
Selling or buying real estate is one of the most important decisions you will make in life. So it is really important to use a sales consultant who will listen to what your real estate needs are and work in partnership with you to get the very best result. Fang has worked previously in architectural design and management in top international architectural companies in China, and 4 years in earthquake “repairing field” in Christchurch. This has given Fang a real appreciation of the problems Cantabrians have faced with their repairs. Fang's previous working testimonials express how they appreciated her honesty, reliable performance and exceptional outcomes she delivered. Fang’s can-do attitude and her excellent communication skills in all her roles have endeared her to those that she has worked with. Languages bridge the communication with people from different backgrounds, but there is something more about people behind languages that connects people who are from different cultures. Fang is fluent in Mandarin and English and knows moving to Christchurch several years ago was the best move she has ever made. Fang’s philosophy in life is “a promise made, is a promise kept”. So when looking for a sales consultant that has integrity and commitment, give Fang a call, she won’t disappoint. 出售或购买房产对于大多数房主来讲是我们生活中需要做的最重大的决定之一,您一定希望能够找一个能够真心聆听和了解您需求,并能协助您达成最佳的销售和购置方案的中介伙伴。 王行芳,建筑学专业出身,曾在中国北京国际领先的建筑师事务所从事六年建筑设计和管理工作,2013年进入基督城地震修复行业,经历了从制图到审批,项目管理,基础工程质量检测,和健康住宅市场推广方案设计的整套流程的工作。 在各个职位的转换和融合的过程中,她极强的适应和沟通能力以及高质量的工作成果得到了雇主和同事们的高度赞赏。也为其进入房地产中介行业提供了非常扎实的专业和技能支持。对于坎特伯雷区“房产地震问题焦虑综合症”房主们,更是福音。 普通话和英语的双语服务让您的房产信息,资源和需求得以更广泛的传播,也确保您能得到舒适和高品质的房产咨询服务。 生活中,行芳积极乐观,遵信重诺,是朋友心中的可靠的人。如果您正在寻找这样一位能让您满意放心的房产顾问,请联系行芳,她一定不会让您失望。 Testimonials: Great direction and support within the market. The speed of the sale was excellent. All the small processes of the sale were taken care of very quickly - Wesley Short I had a great experience with Fang both buying and selling my house. Star service and knowledge! She is gorgeous and fantastic! - Yi Yuan Fang listened to us and gave us her professional view and explained the fine print and then delivered. Fang provided us with exceptional service. We would recommend Harcourts use Fang as a role model. - Donna & Dave Fletcher Thank you so much for helping my mum selling the property. Your service was really great, all the fees are transparent, every step was explained very clearly, open homes are well planned, reports are very easy to understand. The whole selling process was very efficient. Overall, we think your service is the best in Christchurch. Will definitely recommend your service to our friends in the future. - Yan Ding Where can to start, let’s say magical all the way highly recommended, I have already passed word around to our friends it’s been amazing journey with Fang her commitment, attention to details complement her as great personality. Fang is like a water clean and crystal we been very lucky to found her. We already have planned to buy investment property with Fang and it will only Fang for all our future transactions. Thank you Fang for outstanding support and love. A+++ -Mohammed Ashraf & Umme Salma If you are buying or selling I can recommend Fang Wang. I found Fang invaluable in her help to find my perfect home. I had been looking for property for a long time and wasn’t sure that I was ever going to be able to negotiate the challenges of the housing market. Fang’s communication is outstanding, she went the extra mile to answer questions which provided me with support and reassurance. In a competitive market negotiating decisions that can be stressful, I could rely on Fang. What is so awesome is she is highly professional but a very accessible person. Fang will always be someone that I have a high regard for and I have no hesitation in knowing that you will also find her the right person!! - Keri Ansley I would like to thanks Fang for her professional, honest and reliable work selling our property. Her attention to detail and service was second to none. I would not hesitate recommending Fang to family and Friends. - Simon Rollo 芳姐,是一个亲近的人,我们的交流很多,除了房子本身,前后相关的程序她也非常了解,并积极帮我推荐,包括前期贷款、换汇,也包括房屋检查和律师的建议,她让买房子很多的事情变得简单。看房的过程,她不会主动谈论自己的喜好,但是对于一些硬性的分析,她说的很中肯,容易让我们凭借自己的认知来判断,从而做出最符合自己的决定。买房后期,她也在尽力帮助我们,好的家具店、或者便宜的二手家居也都提了不少建议,最主要的,她依旧和购房前期一样积极,乐于帮助,处理好我们的需求。就像我自己,希望在交房当日早点儿拿到钥匙,她非常乐意地提出帮我拿钥匙,以此让我有自己的时间处理其他的问题。真的很感谢,遇到这样一位异国里的好朋友。- Yao Chi
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We feel so lucky to have Fangs's help and advice in purchasing a house. She always puts the best benefits of customers at the heart and gives us more than we could ask for. She has been really professional, efficient and thoughtful, answering all our questions and guiding us through the whole process. We really appreciate all her help!- Liu Shuang & Chien Hsin-Yi
Fang Wang was helpful with the negotiations of the property we wanted to purchase.There was prompt and transparent communication all the way. - Charles&Fay Honeywill
Amazing experience, excellent communication made easy by sound knowledge and next level expertise. - Jack and Amy Ngaha
Great communication all the way through- Wei Yu and Yan Li
Fang Wang
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