Gavin Van Lierop
About Gavin Van Lierop
Moving to Tower Road mid 3rd form, I went to Matamata College for a few years before heading to Hamiltion, Wellington and finally to Europe. During that time, I did stints working back here in Matamata, usually weekends or between work visas. After 11 years living and working abroad (Netherlands, UK, Qatar), it was time to come home with family in tow - Kasey (wife) and Stevie (daughter). With Dimitri (son) and Fluffy (cat) joining the household since been back. Since 2018 I have enjoyed the challenging property management landscape and being the owner of the Property Management division at L J Hooker Matamata, made far easier with the great team. This gives me the opportunity to get out and about meeting new people as well as catching up with some old familiar faces! The most fulfilling part of the job is helping find solutions, be it for tenant, landlord or a technical problem with the property itself.

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Gavin Van Lierop
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