- Grace Copeland

About Grace Copeland
Come home to family
Endearing – Confident - Protective.
Grace Copeland has always been a people person. She is a nurturer and caring about other people and their wellbeing comes second nature to her. This is why Grace is known by her peers and colleagues as approachable, friendly and warm hearted.
This is how your experience of buying or selling a home can be for you. Carefree, and with a strong leader at the helm of your transaction who has your back every step of the way, you can feel confident and secure.
Grace is a new mother and Christchurch has been home for decades. She is aware of the housing market and ongoing trends and knows Canterbury like the back of her hand which helps you in your pre-qualifying stage as you decide which suburb you want to call home.
No matter what stage of life you are in, first time home buyer, individual, family or investor, Grace desires to become part of your real estate team. The person you can count on. The person you can depend on. The person you know has your best interest at heart to make your goal of buying or selling a home an enjoyable and successful experience.
All Listings by Grace Copeland
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