Helen Feng
About Helen Feng
A promise to impress when changing address. Meet Helen Feng - Harcourt’s fast rising star who’s picked to go far having listed and sold a staggering 20 properties in her first year in real estate with rave reviews from a string of satisfied customers. “Helen has been amazing, always on hand when we had any questions, so organised and managed the tidying up of our property.” Sarah & Dion. Helen’s commitment to her clients is beyond question and she demonstrates integrity at every stage of a listing from initial-appraisal to sale day. Her open, honest and regular communication leaves no room for confusion and you can be sure you’re getting the latest and soundest advice from an agent with her finger on the pulse of Wellington real estate. “We sold two houses with Helen and selected our real estate agent based on their reputation for honesty. She kept us updated through the sales process and achieved a great price on sale day. A great agent highly recommended to any prospective vendors.” Ganga. Born in the Xi’an in China but having called Wellington ‘home’ for 20 years together with her husband and daughter, Helen is tri-lingual in English, Cantonese and Mandarin and can connect your property with a broad range of buyers in both the Kiwi and Asian communities. Whether investing, buying or selling – contact Helen who can pack the satisfaction in your property transaction.
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Churton Park
Te Aro
All Listings by Helen Feng
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Team Yip provided us with outstanding service. We are both working parents with very little time - they stepped in and helped us get our house ready for sale to achieve the best possible price. - Sarah Neville
Helen has been an excellent agent. She has always communicated in a timely and honest fashion. Helen oversaw the staging and cleaning processes and was in regular contact with us, ensuring we were aware of the progress of the marketing campaign.- Kathiravetpillai and Gangadaran Kathiravetpillai
Helen is very communicative and does a fantastic job on following up with all the threads. She puts herself in our shoes.- Ku Zhang & Yang Yu
Mrs Feng has impressed us on her highly sense of responsibility of work. And also She is a very professional and efficient agent . We are so lucky would having Helen to be our house selling agent.- Ping Chen and Yao Cong
Helen Feng
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