James Mairs
About James Mairs

"I have a database of buyers who want to buy in your building."

An almost encyclopedic knowledge of addresses, sizes, and configurations of almost all the apartments in the city, makes James Mairs a leader in the sales team. With over 12 years in the industry, James started in rentals and soon became one of Auckland’s best rental agents. He transferred the knowledge gained and along with a profound understanding of title and lease structures brings experience and a depth of knowledge to his role unfound in most city agents.

“The real estate industry offers great flexibility in working conditions and I love getting great deals together that are great for everyone involved. As a bonus I have met some amazing people from all over the world. I love this industry,” James says. His commitment to the industry and to the sellers and buyers he works with, means James can, and will, get the best prices possible for your apartment.

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