Jesse Hislop
About Jesse Hislop
Experience, Passion, Integrity Jesse has spent more than a decade working in both the commercial construction and engineering industries, both here in Christchurch and abroad in London. He worked in property management alongside real estate agents. He enjoys every facet of Real Estate down to the smallest of details and the chance to work with clients to assist them to obtain their goal. “I have always been drawn to property and the opportunity to work with people. I really enjoy the variation of work. No two transactions are alike and no two clients are alike. One of the highlights, and what I consider a bonus is the opportunity to learn additional knowledge and skills from each situation. This challenge drives my passion.” “My experience overseas made me want to come home to Christchurch and work as a Real Estate Consultant; a role which is well suited for my personality. I’m very logical in nature, outgoing, hardworking, and I like to support and offer motivation to others. I thrive with problem solving and can handle any stress for the both of us with a smile or a laugh.” Fun Facts: Sports, Family, Travel
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Jesse Hislop
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