Judy Clarke
About Judy Clarke

Judy has over 14 years of extensive real experience within the Rotorua Market. She is a highly respected and valued sales consultant, dominating her target market and continually producing sales results that go above and beyond.

Judy takes the time to understand her clients wants and needs, and considers all of the options to ensure they get the best results to meet their desired outcome. She is personable and down to earth with a gentle, friendly manner.

As your agent, Judy will keep you updated every step of the way through the process of selling your home, and you can be sure you’re getting the best advice.

Outside of work, Judy enjoys running and spending time in nature, particularly the Redwood Forest. She loves spending time with her three sons, who all work locally in the building, communications and marketing industries.

Call her and start your 'Journey with Judy’ today.

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Judy Clarke
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