Lorraine Brunton
About Lorraine Brunton

Greg and Lorraine Brunton – when you work with one you get the benefits of a team of three (Greg, Lorraine & Lyn). With “The Bruntons Team” you know you are in good hands.

Innovation and effective marketing has been one of the key tools for “The Bruntons” in their quest which has produced extraordinary results for many of their clients over a number of years.

Success in real estate comes through good communication, the basis of which is listening to and understanding your client and tailoring with them the solution for their particular situation.

Greg has been in the sales industry since 1987 and knows the importance of the adage “Happy buyer, happy seller” because to make a successful sale all parties have to be happy with the outcome.

Lorraine has been involved in the sales industry since 1985 and helps to make sure the purchaser is in the best possible position going forward to secure the property they want. Drawing on previous banking experience and her relationship with current lending professionals she is able to make the process simple and stress free for her clients.

Combining their experience creates a unique partnership and both Greg and Lorraine take enormous pride in making things happen by giving sincere advice and listening to your needs.

Lyn Delehanty has now joined “Team Brunton” as PA support to Greg and Lorraine and comes from a farming and banking background, Lyn is a target based achiever as we are and she is very excited to bring her skills to the real estate industry.

Both Greg and Lorraine have a proven history of achieving excellent results in the Hawera market. These results reflect a consistency that shows their experience and commitment to their clients to achieve the best result available in the market at that time.

Anyone can list with any agent, but when the right buyer comes along ask yourself, are you with the right agent who has the experience and know how to close that sale? Greg and Lorraine are consistently delivering premium results for their clients. The repeat business is consistent with keeping abreast of the fast-changing South Taranaki market.

If you are thinking of selling, give “The Bruntons Team” a call. We ‘Make Things Happen’ – give us a go and experience the difference.

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