Maggie So
About Maggie So

After many years of running cafes and restaurants in New Zealand and Australia. Maggie decided to join the real estate industry in  2017. 

Wanting to learn from the best Maggie began working in a partnership with a top salesperson, developing superior negotiation and learning how to bring the most value for her clients.

Maggie's excellent customer service and ability to deliver results under pressure are skills she had developed from years of running her own businesses. She says "customer satisfaction is the key to return and repeat business and this is what I strive for". This is why Maggie's follow up is second to none; she wants to make sure her clients are given the right information, feel they are in control and that the process of selling a house is transparent and as stress-free as possible.

After more than 30 years in NZ with a big network of customers and clients cultivated over the years, Maggie can make sure your property is exposed to numerous people from all cultures and make sure you get the best possible results. As one of her friends says "Maggie has the ability to connect the East and the West".

Dedication, excellent customer service and great results, is what Maggie stands for.




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Great Professional Agent Maggie provide me with all the information I needed to make an informed decision when buying a property. She is a professional, has great communication and a thorough knowledge o the house buying process and procedures. Received a great service would highly recommend.- Rozanne Taraia
Just one work Awesome The communication was unprecedented. They make the whole process very simple plus share their network to help with some urgent maintenance.- Paul Van Mierlo
有幸认识贵公司苏小姐(Maggie So), 我在中国上海,距离奥克兰遥远,特别是今年那么严重疫情下,苏小姐认真负责人态度,让我成功卖出房产,及时完成交割。 更值得表扬,苏小姐专业能力强,为双方客户所急,避免些不必要损失,而且工作认真尽业,从我意向出售到成交,大概一年多时间,她一直与我保持沟通和反馈信息。这样使出售交易及时完成。 再次感谢!感谢苏小姐服务!祝大家蒸蒸日上! 李女士 Vendor of 806 Vincent Street-
今年8月通过Ray White的Maggie So买了一套City的公寓, 一切都非常顺利。无论是售前还是售后,Maggie都非常有耐心。交接完成之后也很热心帮忙联系building manager。 对于她的服务我感觉很满意!如果下次有需要,还是会考虑找她! Liu Lu Purchaser of 806 Vincent Street -
Maggie So
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