Mandy Campbell
About Mandy Campbell

Kia ora koutou katoa

ko okahuatiu, maungahaumi me titirangi oku maunga

ko waikakariki, waipaoa me turanganui oku awa

ko pakowhai, rongopai, takitimu me te-poho-o-rawiri oku marae

ko ikaroa-a-rauru me takitimu oku waka

ko ngai te whakahone toku hapu

ko te whanau a kai, te aitanga a mahaki me ngati oneone oku iwi

ko mandy campbell toku ingoa

Last year Mandy Campbell closed 48 property sales and, since the beginning of 2021, has sold over $15 million of real estate. There is no holding her back.

Mandy brings with her over 20 years of experience in the Gisborne market. Buying a home, selling a home, beginning or extending your residential investment portfolio, Mandy has done it all. She understands the process personally, as well as professionally.

Mandy thrives when sharing her knowledge and can’t wait to help you navigate this process. Whether it be selling your lifestyle block in order to prepare for retirement, to purchasing your first ever rental property, Mandy is your first port of call.

Born and bred in Turanganui-a-kiwa, Mandy’s aroha for our region and our people comes naturally.

In her eyes, we live in the centre of the universe a place to grow up, foster a family and enjoy retirement. Mandy and her husband Shane personally felt a lifestyle property in Makauri was the perfect fit for their whanau.

Are you looking for an agent with experience and grit, who will help you get the job done? Give Mandy a call today, she’s here to help you.

“Ehara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari, he toa takitini success is not the work of one, but the work of many

– Whakatauki

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