Michelle van Lienen
About Michelle van Lienen

Michelle started her real estate career at the tender age of 19, and reached number one status in residential sales after a very short period for the national franchise she worked for at the time. Some years later, she enjoyed a well-earned extended overseas travel experience, and returned to work for the largest independent company in the Manawatu. Michelle went on to repeat the same number one sales status in residential sales for that company before starting a family in 1997. In 1999, Michelle and John van Lienen formed JVL Prestige Realty and for 15 years Michelle was the Business Manager for their company until May 2014 when she and John made the decision to sell. Michelle says "the move was all about a balanced family lifestyle with our kids" and "the new change is exciting, and allows me to focus on my passion of selling real estate again, together with John". Michelle, who was born and raised in the Manawatu, knows the region and the people who live there well. She is known as a committed industry professional, and has always been totally client focused. Together Michelle and John form a real estate partnership that has seen them involved in over 6,000 property sales, which will benefit clients who choose to use their experience and advice when considering selling or buying. That kind of experience can't be replicated, and offers significant value to clients in all areas of the real estate buying and selling process. Call Michelle anytime for advice you can trust.

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