Shana McLennaghan
About Shana McLennaghan
Shana followed her love of the sun and found her paradise in the Bay Of Plenty where she was scouted by a local sales consultant in Kawerau as she searched for her own first home. Realising what a perfect fit real estate could be, she gained her real estate licence in 2019 and has thrived in her community ever since. For Shana, real estate is about meeting new people and sharing their next property goals – whether that's helping first home buyers navigate the complexities that come with a first property purchase or empty nesters who have decided it is time to sell the family home. Everyone has a story to share and Shana loves hearing them all. She understands the emotion that comes with these sales and is committed to being by their side every step of the way. It's that buzz that keeps her passionate and driven. Not knowing what the day will bring, that no two days will ever be the same. It's a working schedule that also fits in perfectly with her life as she manages her career, family and squeezing in as many BBQs lake side as possible. A keen negotiator with a lifetime of sales experience behind her, Shana is ready to help you achieve your property dreams and share the magic of the Bay of Plenty with you today.
Top skills
Customer service
Top suburbs
Lake Rotomā

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