Sheree Henderson
About Sheree Henderson

Sheree has an impressive record of selling real estate in Whitianga and a strong reputation for impeccable client service. Before joining the team at Bayleys, she was Top Salesperson for Ray White for three consecutive years.

Her negotiating skills combined with her high level of communication, commitment, energy and focus are key factors in Sheree’s ongoing success.

Sheree’s dedication and drive has produced consistent results which have been achieved by understanding her clients’ expectations when marketing one of their most valuable assets and persisting until the desired result is achieved. Like many real estate professionals, Sheree describes herself as a “people person”. This quality has paid off in the property business – helping her build an impressive client base and regular repeat business from many satisfied vendors and purchasers she has served in the area.

Some of the important keys to providing clients with superlative service and performance are honesty, empathy, being a good listener and of course, keeping clients informed at every stage of the plan.

With a professional background in advertising, retail, and property management sectors spanning over thirty, Sheree’s wealth of knowledge offers you a valuable edge.

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