Solar energy now an economically viable option with up-take here and overseas increasing.

The tide has turned in favour of solar energy and Kiwi homeowners are taking it up in bigger numbers than ever, according to Luke Nutting, Managing Director of leading solar supplier, Lightforce.

“The economics of installing solar now makes financial sense. The cost of panels and batteries are now at a point where installing a solar system is a viable option for many families and businesses.”

“Effectively by adopting a solar system, you are hedging your electricity prices for the next 25 years because you are not exposed to the electricity cost increases we have seen year after year, after year,” says Nutting.

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“Putting your own power generator on your roof means you can reduce your expenses substantially and, in some cases, by selling your excess solar back to the grid, which gives you more certainty about your future outgoings.”

Data from the United States shows having a solar system can also translate to higher property values..

“It dramatically reduces the running cost of your home which in turn increases the value. While New Zealand lacks official data, I like to put it this way, if you have two identical homes on the street and one costs you $5,000 to run, and one costs you $500, which one will you choose?”

With energy costs increasing and a volatile New Zealand electricity market, Nutting says it’s little wonder people are turning to solar for their own source of electricity.

“The electricity market in New Zealand is effectively broken, it is very volatile and is dominated by the four major players. We are going to be faced with huge infrastructure issues over the next 10 years as the EV market starts to take off. The strain on the grid is going to be unmanageable and the only solution is going to be a huge uptake in solar and batteries to reduce the pressure.

The Lightforce team installing a free solar system for charity Te Whakaora Tangata in South Auckland. Photo / Supplied.

Solar uptake is projected to double this year and the demand has meant Lightforce is increasing its five branches to eight, soon having warehouse and offices in all major centers throughout the country. The company has already completed 20% of the residential market to date and those numbers will only increase dramatically. “We’ve never been busier. Lightforce is the fastest growing solar company in the country, we have more experience than anyone else and so people are turning to us” says Nutting.

A recent energy futures report from Transpower NZ “The Sun Rises on a Solar Energy Future ” predicts a mass solar uptake scenario of 70% of homes and 40% of businesses by 2050. “It’s a very exciting industry to be a part of, putting the power in the hands of families and businesses around NZ, getting us running on clean, green renewable solar energy. It’s the future.”

“Everything we do is under one roof. We have no subcontractors involved in any part of our process. This means we can ensure excellent end-to-end service, impeccable workmanship, better management and implementation of your installation, a better experience all-round. If you need us for any reason, we can get one of our team out to see you instead of waiting on contractors and fitting in with their schedule.”

Lightforce uses Tier One quality solar panels which have a 25 year warranty and an exclusive partnership with Energizer Homepower who supply their cobalt free batteries. ergizer is a trusted household name worldwide, they have been making batteries since 1896. They are a more sustainable brand, using lithium/phosphate batteries that don’t have the problems of disposal and controversial mining practices like you do with cobalt.” says Nutting.

A recent install by Lightforce on a home in Remuera, Auckland. Photo / Supplied.

Because of the environmental impacts of other energy sources, Nutting says solar will soon be the mainstream option for homeowners in the very near future.

“We all need to take personal responsibility for offsetting our carbon footprints, and our customers are incredible motivated by this, as well as the cost savings resulting from installing solar.” he says.

The CO2 emissions of NZ renewable energy is six or seven times greater than the output of a solar system, so environmentally it makes sense.

“In New Zealand we rely too much on hydro which can also be volatile, which we are seeing right now with the current electricity wholesale pricing - we are now burning and importing more coal than ever.

Our concern is that we are going backwards with our renewable mix.

He believes things will get worse when electric vehicles become the norm.

“The impact will be huge. People will have no choice but to turn to solar energy to fuel their cars. The grid just can’t take the impact of everyone wanting to charge up their cars between 5pm and 7pm when they get home. Once people start plugging EV’s into the grid, their power bills will increase dramatically.”

He said the solution will have to be solar with batteries in the home. “We wholeheartedly believe there is no better option than putting solar on your roof.”

Lighforce's exclusive partnership with Energizer Homepower means they can offer their customers a premium residential solar battery to store their excess energy. Photo / Supplied.

There is not a huge infrastructure cost, there are no big turbines or concrete pipes trying to force down huge amounts of water. “It is a simple solution and easy to roll out. You are essentially your own power generator on top of your roof,” he says.

To make it easier on households wanting to benefit from solar energy Lightforce offer a wide variety of finance options including interest free options and payment plans up to seven years.

Lightforce is all about making communities lighter and brighter – it has made a commitment to donating a solar system every quarter to charities and non for profits around the country as well as other social and environmental initiatives the team are constantly rolling out. “We’re currently working with EKOS to get our operations running carbon neutral, every business needs to get onboard - it should be a non-negotiable” says Nutting.

“Our staff donate their time, and we engage with our local communities to choose a charity or a not-for-profit who could benefit from significantly cutting their costs. We then install a solar system free of charge which helps bring their running costs down so they can then put that money to good use elsewhere in the community.”

“Our staff are right behind us and give their free time over the weekends to help installing systems. We think there’s a bit more to running a business than just making money. Business today has to be good for people, their communities, and the planet.”

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