A “surfer dude” from California has made an offer on a “munted” house in West Coast, with a sale looking imminent, according to listing agent Paul Murray, from Property Brokers.

But if the deal falls through, Murray said there were plenty of others who were interested in the flawed two-bedroom property – all of them tradies, builders or handypeople.

The 120-year-old house at 12 Con Street in the coal-mining town of Seddonville is on the market for sale for $145,000. It is labelled in Murray’s marketing as “munted” and is described as dilapidated and in dire need of restoration. It also has the property boundary running right through the middle of the house.

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Murray said he was amazed at not just at the interest in the property but the reach of the marketing.

He said his buyer from California had been to Seddonville before and sent a trusted friend to look at the property on his behalf. He then made an offer because of the keen interest from others, deciding to buy first then sort out the boundary issues later.

He said the “surfer dude” had Australian residency so was “permitted to buy a house here”.

The buyer’s offer, which was under the $145,000 asking price, had been accepted and the paperwork was underway, Murray told OneRoof.

The two bedroom shack at 12 Con Street, in Seddonville, Buller, is priced at <img45,000. Photo / Supplied

The house is in a poor shape and is need of a major upgrade. Photo / Supplied

Murray’s marketing doesn’t shy away from highlighting the property’s many flaws – but it also makes a case for its delights. “This 120-year-old house is in an excellent location on a rise, surrounded by hills and forest and with a stunning view of a waterfall,” the listing on OneRoof said.

But the house was awaiting a “saviour” to come and replace the roof, piles, cladding, lining, wiring, plumbing, floor and windows – “oh, and the property boundary runs right through the middle of the house so you will need to make a boundary adjustment at your expense with an amicable neighbour”.

He points out the garage, sheds and house are dilapidated and writes it is as though the house was built but never maintained, gradually falling into disrepair.

Murray told OneRoof he wanted people to know what they were buying.

He had several lengthy conversations with the Californian and recommended a local lawyer, but while everyone urged caution he said the buyer and his partner sounded “fairly intrepid”.

“They’ve been to Alaska and done different things and are familiar with living in remote areas which has challenges and also enormous benefits,” he said.

The two bedroom shack at 12 Con Street, in Seddonville, Buller, is priced at <img45,000. Photo / Supplied

The kitchen isn't exactly an entertainer's delight. Photo / Supplied

The current owner had only owned the house a few years and Murray said he did not know a lot about its past or how it ended up with such deferred maintenance issues, but said maintaining properties was challenge, requiring concerted effort and money.

“The reason properties slip behind is simply financial, and we’re talking about one of the lowest socioeconomic areas in the whole country and with property maintenance costs that are probably higher than most areas of the country given the proximity of services and availability of different suppliers and manufacturers and what have you,” Murray said.

While there are a lot of handy people around, actual tradespeople are not so easy to find, he said.

“I live in Karamea, which is right at the top of the West Coast and we struggle with plumbing. If you know a plumber out there that wants to come and live in an awesome place, put him on to me. I’ll do him a special deal on a munted house.”

The two bedroom shack at 12 Con Street, in Seddonville, Buller, is priced at <img45,000. Photo / Supplied

The biggest challenge the new owner will have to sort out is the boundary, which runs right through the middle of the house. Photo / Supplied

While there are a few more munted houses around, most are actually in fair condition, he said.

This house was built back when Seddonville was destined for greater things but that never really eventuated.

“If you have a look at any sort of town plan map of Seddonville it’s incredible the number of sections that are there, paper roads that have never been formed and the number of houses that have never been built.”

According to the NZ History website, the town was named in honour of Liberal premier Richard Seddon and was also the site of an early experiment in state socialism with the country’s first state-owned coal mine opening there in 1903.

The mine struggled, though, and closed in 1914, and later the area became a centre for other mines, but the website said because of exceptionally high sulfur content Seddonville coal became difficult to sell and mining ceased in the 1990s.

The two bedroom shack at 12 Con Street, in Seddonville, Buller, is priced at <img45,000. Photo / Supplied

One of the standout features of the property is the stunning setting. Photo / Supplied

Murray said the house was in a great spot with access to surfing, mountain biking and other outdoor activities in the area, and said once restored, the property would make good capital gain.

But not only that, despite it being “wrecked”, the house had a nice feel. It would have had a family living there, and he thinks probably had a Māori presence because of a “lovely poem” stenciled on a beam in the house.

The poem says: “May the beauty of the mountains - the forests - the lakes - the oceans - the plants and the animals always strike music with you. May the harmony of nature always teach and provide for your kind. Now and forever. Seek peace within, and love abounds. Arohanui/Kiaora.”

But while there is that lovely feel, Murray said, “you’d have to be handier than a Hindu love god to renovate the bloody place”.

- Click here to find more properties for sale in West Coast

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