We’re in the home stretch of AA Insurance Location, Location, Location NZ. What will we do with our Sunday nights when it ends?

Luckily there’s more than enough real estate drama left. Episode six finds hosts Jayne Kiely and Paul Glover with some steep challenges on their hands, with Paul confessing to necking an entire bottle of Rescue Remedy.

Son of the year

Our house-hunters have the pandemic to thank for their respective predicaments. Paul is assisting mother and son buyers Laura and Abe, who found themselves back in New Zealand after living in Mexico for 15 years. With only their suitcases between them and dogs staying with friends back home, what was originally a three-month visit became a permanent relocation. And if Covid wasn’t enough of a challenge, Abe’s dad has left the family unit.

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Host Jayne Kiely, left, tries to bring the wow factor to buyers Caroline and Andrew. Photo / Supplied

Mother and son Laura and Abe want something for less than $1m. Photo / Supplied

In the spirit of multi-generational harmony, Abe stepped up as Son of the Year 2024 and is planning to buy his mum a home. They’re after a conveniently located three-bedroom character home for around $950,000 and as they both have a penchant for stuff – “some would say hoarders, we prefer collectors or curators” – they need space for their treasures.

Luckily Laura is able to put Abe right when he confuses a commode for a casserole dish as they browse the vintage shop.

Enter the house-sitters

Jayne is tasked with helping our second couple, serial house-sitters Caroline and Andrew. They’re looking to put down roots after three years in the UK. They took off during Covid and house-sitting was an inspired way to enjoy a low-cost, extended stay in England, and for Andrew to get his furry-friend fix.

Host Jayne Kiely, left, tries to bring the wow factor to buyers Caroline and Andrew. Photo / Supplied

Andrew and Caroline have a budget of between $1.5m and $2m. Photo / Supplied

Living in 110 different places means the couple have a very, very clear idea of what they want in their new two-to-three-bedroom home (good luck, Jayne). They’re desperate for a sea view, to be part of a community again and enjoy a sense of space, privacy and tranquillity, and are working with a budget of $1.5m-$2m. Jayne drops the C-word – compromise – and although there’s a smidge of room for movement in their wish list, Andrew warns Jayne there could be tears before bedtime if she deviates too far from it.

While both groups’ prerequisites are a tall order in themselves, Jayne points out that “in this market, it’s always worth a cheeky offer”.

Count the wows

Jayne takes Caroline and Andrew to Auckland’s Castor Bay to look at a stylish 1970s dream home with charming North Shore history. It’s lacking the sea view but it’s only a short walk from the beach and has a pool. Caroline and Andrew love the renovation but are disappointed the house lacks an ensuite and a sense of spaciousness.

Jayne gases up the car for property number two, a five-bedroom Whangaparaoa home that almost moves the couple to tears. While the ‘wow’ count is right up there and the price of $1.86m has Paul and Caroline asking what the catch is, the size proved too overwhelming.

Host Jayne Kiely, left, tries to bring the wow factor to buyers Caroline and Andrew. Photo / Supplied

The view is all-important for Andrew and Caroline. Photo / Supplied

Finally, it’s back to Castor Bay for a box-ticking cedar home with 180-degree views. The superlatives start flowing again as the couple admire the outlook and Paul, who is along for the ride, is sure he spots a glimmer in Caroline’s eye.

Turns out Paul’s instincts are right and property number three is their home of choice. Sadly, the figure they were keen on couldn’t get them across the line. (Caroline’s spot-on observation sums it up: “Air and light are expensive in Auckland.”) But the search has lit a fire and they’re still actively exploring the coastline looking for their dream home.

Flower power

Paul’s first stop with Abe and Laura is a 100-year-old Art Deco apartment in Epsom. It’s one they have already looked at, but now that it has a list price of $895,000 they are interested.

Next, we head to Avondale, to a 1920s bungalow with great views. It’s already been renovated but Abe says the white-painted ceiling beams will need to be re-exposed and Laura kindly offers to hold the ladder while he does the job. “We can’t have you falling off, you’re paying the mortgage,” she quips.

A spanner in the works arrives with Paul’s news that an offer has been placed on this property, leaving them only 24 hours to counter. In the end, the timeframe is just too tight and they decide to bow out.

Host Jayne Kiely, left, tries to bring the wow factor to buyers Caroline and Andrew. Photo / Supplied

Host Paul Glover serves up a standalone for Laura and Abe - but is it what they’re after? Photo / Supplied

Lastly, we’re in Waterview, where Paul is relying on the “power of the flower” to get keen gardener Abe over the line. The elevated brick and tile has mid-century flourishes and sweeping views, as well as a swathe of original features that has the duo delighted.

It turns out they love both the remaining homes equally and Abe has both in with the big boss – the mortgage broker. Unfortunately, another buyer pipped them at the post with a stronger offer on the Waterview home.

But Paul happily shares that just weeks later, the family found their dream standalone property in Te Atatu.

Fashion Watch:

When Paul’s tan blazer matches the exact cedar of house number three in Castor Bay, he has to try and convince himself he’s not a reclad too.

Line of the Week:

Jayne weighs up the age-old outlook versus privacy conundrum in Tamaki Makaurau. “We might be lacking in sea views, but at least we can’t see the neighbours’ undies on the clothesline.”

AA Insurance Location Location Location NZ appears on TVNZ 1 on Sundays and on TVNZ+.


Catch-up on previous episodes:

- AA Insurance Location, Location, Location NZ, episode five recap

- AA Insurance Location, Location, Location NZ, episode four recap

- AA Insurance Location, Location, Location NZ, episode three recap

- AA Insurance Location, Location, Location NZ, episode two recap

- AA Insurance Location, Location, Location NZ, episode one recap


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