Two second rotation pine forests and associated carbon credits are for sale in the tightly held Golden Bay area of Tasman.
The well-established forests, East Takaka and Skyfarm, provide excellent proximity to markets and have significant roading and harvest infrastructure in place.

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They have a combined area of 254.5ha and a net stocked area of 188.8ha planted predominantly in mid-rotation radiata pine.
The two forests are being sold together, along with 8424 associated pre-1990 emission units.
Colliers International has been appointed to sell the forests and carbon credits by way of a two-stage expression of interest campaign.
Forestry Director Warwick Searle is marketing the properties with colleague Angus Robertson. “This is an exceptional opportunity to secure two mid-rotation forests located in a tightly held and highly desirable region,” says Searle.
“Tasman is well known for producing high-yielding and high-quality forestry crops. The climate is generally temperate and moist, providing very good growing conditions.
“The forests are positioned only 2km off State Highway 60, providing excellent access to both local and international markets.
“Numerous domestic processing facilities and the efficient export port in Nelson are all within 90km of the properties.
“The forests also have extensive infrastructure from the first rotation harvest, which will keep future roading rehabilitation costs to a minimum come the second harvest.
“All of these attributes make the East Takaka and Skyfarm forests an exceptional investment, with the added sweetener of thousands of carbon credits.”
Golden Bay is a popular destination for tourists.
“With spectacular natural scenery including alpine valleys, tranquil fishing rivers and stunning golden beaches, this is an incredible place to own a property,” says Searle. “The region is well known for its arts and crafts and sporting activities, with beautiful walks provided through both Abel Tasman National Park and Kahurangi National Park.”
East Takaka Forest is located at Uruwhenua, Golden Bay. It is accessed via East Takaka Rd, about 2km from SH60.
The forest has a gross area of 174.4ha and a net stocked area of 127.6ha, comprising predominantly radiata pine established between 2003 and 2006, with smaller sections of 2013 and 1975 plantings.
It includes a 22.3ha Department of Conservation forest  harvested by the current owner in the first rotation. This crop has regenerated and a new owner could possibly negotiate a new agreement with DOC.
East Takaka Forest’s terrain is a mixture of rolling hills with steeper faces and gullies, which will require predominantly hauler and tethered ground-based systems to extract the timber.