Dairy farmers should benefit from enhancements to the national animal genetic evaluation system when they select dairy bulls.

The changes are part of the third stage of updates to NZ Animal Evaluation Ltd (NZAEL), which has a genetic evaluation system that helps farmers make better breeding decisions for their herds.

A new functional survival breeding value (BV) trait will replace the existing residual survival and total longevity traits in the system. This will better account for a cow's ability to survive in the herd across different stages of life. The fertility trait used has been updated to draw on new data on the timing of calving. It assigns higher fertility scores to cows which calve earlier and can spend more of the season producing milk.

The upgrade also draws on farmer feedback and research findings to update system modelling.

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A DairyNZ-funded subsidiary, NZAEL has a key role in providing sire evaluations independent from commercial companies. Farmers are increasingly wanting sire evaluation to be carried out by an independent body. NZAEL is working in collaboration with breeding companies LIC and CRV on the project, and they will incorporate the latest changes into their in-house genomic evaluations.

"The project's aim is to provide a modern, nationally consistent, independent genetic evaluation system for dairy cattle," says NZAEL chairman Mark Townshend. "Ultimately we want to enable farmers to breed cows that are more efficient at converting feed into milk and profit. Cow survivability is an increasing consideration within breeding worth. The project has benefits for both our environment and economy."

Higher milk prices have also resulted in the breeding worth (BW) of many sires in the system increasing, particularly for younger stock.

"Farmers may see their animals ranked differently on BW in reports from their breeding companies as genetic evaluations become more accurate, and to reflect changes in economic values as a result of an increase in milk prices," he said. Sires born from 2015-19 will see an average lift in BW of $40 to $77. Older bulls are also expected to see a lift,, although some older bulls may devalue due to a higher economic weighting on milksolids and changes in breeding values.

The staged upgrades to the software system have been rigorously tested by a New Zealand Farmer Advisory Panel and peer-reviewed by a scientific advisory committee.

DairyNZ general manager New Systems and competitiveness David McCall says the upgrade is being funded by DairyNZ with the aim to help Kiwi dairy farmers achieve the world's best rates of herd genetic gain.

"The investment in improvements to NZAEL will help our farmers breed better cows and this will help improve the competitiveness and sustainability of our farms."

Holstein Friesian NZ general manager Cherilyn Watson says Kiwi dairy farmers have significant capital investment tied up in their farms and their herds, so it is important see their herds improve genetically and increase in value.

"The changes provide more accurate predictions of herd performance for farmers, allowing them to make more informed breeding decisions for the future."

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