It’s captivated viewers all over the country, during the course of a wet, miserable winter and on Sunday night The Block NZ, 2018, culminated in a series of auctions that had everyone –especially the contestants- on the edge of their seats. In an atmosphere that could only be described as electric, the four teams nervously waited – hoping like crazy to achieve hard-won rewards as their design and building work in emerging suburb Hobsonville Point, was put to the ultimate test, in an Auckland market where property prices have levelled out significantly over the past year.

Team Yellow, long-time-couple Amy Moore and Stu Watts, were consistently winners of the room of the week awards, so it was really no surprise to discover that they’re going to be driving a brand new Suzuki S-Cross Prestige SUV back to their home town of Gisborne, where the children are looking forward to joining their parents on a well-earned holiday.

More importantly, the pair enjoyed ultimate success on the night with their large corner-house - soaked in sunlight, proving a hot favourite with bidders. It sold for $1,009,500, in a dramatic, fast-moving auction, making a profit of $69,500 for Amy and Stu -above the reserve of $940,000 and putting them directly in line for the extra $100,000 awarded to the winner.

They were placed at auction spot number three by early leaders, Team Blue, consisting childhood friends Tom Waalkens and Ben Speedy, who had won the right to decide the auction order. They were worried that Team Yellow might spook the market with their higher reserve, and believed that they were planning things tactically.

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In their own auction, the first on the list, the Auckland pair, likened by host Mark Richardson to a Shetland pony and jittery racehorse on the night, made a respectable profit of $57,000, selling their property for $987,000.

Suspecting that this might be setting the scene for runaway prices, Team Orange, Hamiltonians Claire Rapira and Agni Bhorker gained confidence ahead of their upcoming second-spot but although it was a solid result, the house they were so proud of sold for $950,000 - $30,000 above reserve, after which Amy and Stu’s subsequent sale left them in the shade.

Things were getting interesting now, as time was running out and Palmerston North’s Team Purple’s creation was set to hit the market. Best friends Chlo Hes and Em Blanchett watched as auction number four got underway. There was no doubting that their house was beautiful, but it seemed that bidders were becoming a little less eager by now and it sold for $921,500 in a short and sweet bidding session, netting them a profit of just $11,500.

Undefeated, the pair pronounced themselves proud of their result.

“We did it!” said Em.

It seemed to be generally considered that the fact the houses all sold at auction was a relief after last year’s The Block 2017, where there was some awkward too-and-froing before some sales were settled, but many in the audience were surprised that prices didn’t go a bit higher.

“When you consider that they all come with loads of extras, such as furniture and appliances, it feels as if they could have fetched more,” said one departing auction-goer.

Amy and Stu, however, were feeling pretty pleased with themselves once it was all over.

They said that their own relationship had become closer during their Block adventure.

“We were good communicators before, but now we’re even better,” said Amy.

When asked how it feels to have put so much love and time into a house they’ll never live in, she said that she’s already making changes to their home back in Gisborne, and that the future is looking exciting.

“I think I’ve hung my tweezers and wax strips for the last time,” said the soon- -to-be-ex-beautician.

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