Two adjoining properties in a commanding position giving 180 degree visibility to passing traffic on Whangarei's central business district southern fringe have been placed on the market for sale together.

These two mature properties at 12 Porowini Avenue and 1 Tarewa Road offer a new owner a wide range of options, from partial renovation through to demolition and total redevelopment. Proposed council zoning changes, when finalised, have the potential to enhance the properties versatility.

Tarewa Road is one of only two main arterial routes connecting State Highway 1 to the city centre, while Porowini Avenue is a busy collector road and home to several major brand vehicle sales yards and Mitre 10 Mega. It also provides an important connection to a big box retail park and the city’s major sports and events stadium.

BJ Autos vehicle service and repairs workshop has operated from 12 Porowini and the owner/occupier will vacate the premises once they are sold, while a rented three-bedroom house and double garage sit on the 1 Tarewa Road site and the tenants could be willing to stay on if a new owner wants to retain the property as it is.

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Both properties are being marketed as one for deadline sale on April 24 through Bayleys Whangarei salespeople Neil Campbell and John Haselden. The property features in Bayleys’ latest Total Property portfolio magazine.

Mr Campbell said the high-profile corner site is an opportunity for a business that wants to be in front of thousands of vehicles that pass daily through one of the busiest parts of the city.

“Situated on the intersection Porowini Avenue, Tarewa Road and Morningside Drive, there are few sites in the city with this much exposure to passing traffic,” he said.

Mr Campbell said the highest and best use for the sites would be to develop across both, providing either a new building for an owner/occupier or leased premises for businesses that need a high profile.

“Alternatively, Porowini Avenue would also suit a developer who wants to make improvements to the existing commercial building to maximise the value the combined 1600 square metre sites offer. It could be split into two tenancies,” Mr Campbell said.

Mr. Haselden said. Added: “The proposed zone changes that are being processed by the Whangarei District Council signal a wide range of commercial land uses will be permitted on the site. These could include warehousing, light manufacturing and even a service station or drive through facility.”

BJ Autos repair and servicing business at Porowini Avenue occupies the existing 690 square metre building on a 1008 square metre site of near rectangular shape.

Constructed in the 1960s, the building has a solid concrete foundation and floor, concrete walls and an iron roof supported by steel beams.

Originally configured into two separate tenancies of about equal size, each space is self-contained with office and staff facilities, although for the past decade it has been used exclusively by BJ Autos.

The rest of the site is open concrete forecourt of about 320 square metres facing on to Porowini Avenue. The site rises about 1.5 metres from its frontage to the southern back boundary and the forecourt and building are benched into the slope, providing near level ground.

At Tarewa Road, the 90 square metre three-bedroom house and double garage sit on a 663 square metre site about 36.8 metres long and 18 metres wide. The site's underlying topography is also gently sloping on virtually the same grade as Porowini Avenue.

The 1920's bungalow's interior is in a tidy condition and the exterior is weatherboard cladding with an iron roof. The double Skyline garage at the rear is clad in unpainted galvanised iron, while the rest of the site has a basic metalled driveway and turning area with surrounding lawns.

Zoning for both properties is about to change from Business 2 for Porowini Avenue and Business 3 for Tarewa Road into a new Commercial zone. The new zone is through the public submissions stage and it is expected to be introduced shortly.

Rules for the zone will be similar to Business 2, which allow for a wide range of commercial and light industrial activity. However, there are limits on the size/scale of general retail and under the new zone this will be capped at 100 square metres. Housing will become non-complying.

The area has been undergoing significant roadworks. The Porowini Avenue and Tawera Road intersection has been upgraded and work is also underway at another neighbouring intersection to significantly improve traffic flows around the location.

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