More information about OneRoof Estimated Property Valuations

OneRoof has gathered a range of data to estimate the value that a property could sell or rent for. Our data includes publicly-accessible figures like the sale and rent prices of similar properties, local council valuations and market trends.

OneRoof estimated property values do not incorporate external factors that could impact the sale or rental price of a property, like changes in the economy, recent renovations, unique features, future infrastructure plans or the environment.

We also rely on publicly-accessible data to be accurate. Where data from external sources is inaccurate, the accuracy of OneRoof’s estimated property values could be impacted. Similarly, where there is insufficient external data to provide an estimated range, nothing is displayed

OneRoof’s estimated property values should be treated as part of your overall property research. All appropriate due diligence, research and professional advice should be carried out when making any decision about buying or selling property. For a current appraisal of your property, we recommend contacting a local real estate agent or property manager or a registered valuer who will carry out a formal valuation (at your own cost).

What does the gauge mean?

Our accuracy depends on how much reliable external data we can access. The gauge lets you see at a glance how accurate our estimates are for an individual property.

Great data, smallest range
Standard data, standard range
Minimal data, widest range

No estimate: Not enough data to create an estimate.

Valocity Disclaimers

© Copyright 2020. Valocity Limited (Valocity) and its licensors are the sole and exclusive owners of all rights, title and interest (including intellectual property rights) subsisting in this publication, including any data, analytics, statistics and other information contained in this publication. All rights reserved.

Any data or information provided based on a certificate of title is a subset of information available from the relevant registering body and has not been changed in any way by Valocity. Such data and information is not a substitute for a certificate of title. The data and information is updated at regular intervals (promptly after receipt). At any time, the data or information relating to a certificate of title may be superseded.

Capital Growth

Capital growth is calculated by determining the difference between the current “Estimated Property Valuation” and the same “Estimated Property Valuation” from the previous 12 months and expressing this as a percentage. The capital growth calculation relies on estimated data to provide a view of comparative historic performance and should not be used as a guarantee of expected return. We recommend appropriate due diligence, research and professional advice should be carried out to determine if the property meets your investment criteria.

Affordability Growth

When you enter your affordability criteria, which includes budget, household income, deposit amount, percentage of income available for mortgage repayments, loan length and interest rates, the search results generate an affordability value shown on a map, which gives you an estimated budget. This will then be matched to properties that have a similar estimated value range. These could be higher or lower than your affordability value.

More information about the commute search

OneRoof utilises a range of publicly sourced transport based datasets from local and regional councils and agencies and the New Zealand Transport Agency to create an advanced predictive multi-modal network model that has the ability to calculate travel times and distances during peak commute time. Travel modes included in this network are travelling by private vehicle, public transport, walking, and cycling.

The commute search produces results that indicate an average commute at peak time which is a combination of peak morning (8.00am – 9.00am) and evening commute travel (5.00pm – 6.00pm) times.

The commute search generates regions that encompass banded estimations of travel times or distance (as determined by a particular travel mode) from a selected address. From this OneRoof will present properties that are listed for sale or rent that fall within the resulting commute bands.

The transportation data provided is an estimate only and should not be used as a guarantee of commute time or distance. We recommend trying your preferred commute mode of transport to confirm it meets your commute requirements at peak time.

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