15 Tay Street Invercargill_0
15 Tay Street Invercargill_1
15 Tay Street Invercargill_2
15 Tay Street, Invercargill, Invercargill City
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About the area
Invercargill, Invercargill City
Invercargill, Invercargill City
Invercargill is a suburb which lies within the Territorial Authority of Invercargill, one of 36 residential suburbs which form the wider region. Invercargill is the 22nd largest suburb of Invercargill in terms of the total number of residential housing stock. Invercargill provides a range of housing stock, with the earliest residential housing recorded in the area constructed between 1880 - 1889. The majority of the residential housing stock in the locality was constructed between 1970 - 1979. Residential housing stock in Invercargill is made up of approximately 91% residential housing and 9% residential investment housing properties.
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