OneRoof and Resene are giving you the chance to win the ultimate ColourShop and Eco.Decorator prize valued at over $5000.

To enter, download the OneRoof app, log in to register your details and you are in the draw to win.

If you already have the OneRoof app, you will need to sign in to your account between the Promotional Period to be eligible. See below for the Termsand Conditions.


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Competition Overview:

Be in to win a five-thousand-dollar ReseneColorShop and Resene Eco.Decorator prize with OneRoof by downloading theOneRoof App from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store then logging into the App.

The competition opens 12.01am Wednesday 15September 2021 and closes at 11.59pm Sunday 10 October 2021 (the ‘PromotionPeriod’).To be eligible to win you must download the OneRoof App from Google Play or theApple App Store and log in to the App. If you already have the OneRoof App, youwill need to sign in to your App account within the ‘Promotion Period’ to beeligible.All eligible entrants will go into the draw with one (1) winner being selectedat random on or before Thursday 14 October 2021.Winners will be notified by email and phone. Resene will supply the prize.

The prize is valued at NZD $5,000 and consists of

· 1x $2000 Resene ColorShop voucher to spend on thepaint and wallpaper of your choice

· 1x $3000 Resene Eco.Decorator decorating services

· a Resene Colour Expert to help you choose. 

Resene specific terms and conditions

· Prize is not transferable.

· Resene ColorShop voucher will be able to be spentat the winner’s closest Resene owned ColorShop. Voucher valid for 12 monthsfrom winning date.

· Any additional Resene Eco.Decorator costs, abovethe $3000 (inc GST) prize value are at the winner’s cost.

· Resene Colour Expert service may be supplied onsite, at a Resene ColorShop or virtually depending on the winner’s location.



‘NZME’ means all companies in the NZME Groupincluding but not limited to NZME Holdings Limited, NZME Publishing Limited,NZME Radio Limited, GrabOne Limited and all brands and operating companiescontrolled by or associated with those entities.

The ‘Promoter’ is NZME.
‘Disqualified Participants’ are:

(a) all NZMEemployees, all employees of participating sponsors or promoters and/oradvertising agencies and their Immediate Families;

(b) all people under the age of 18 years where the prize incorporates air travel or anyother element which would be illegal to supply to a person under the age of 18years;

(c) all people who have won a prize from the channel/station running this promotion inthe last 14 days. If the previously won prize was valued at over $1000 thewinner must stand down from entering for a period of 90 days.

‘Immediate Families’ include spouses, grandparents, parents, children,and grandchildren, whether by marriage, past marriages, remarriage, adoption,co-habitation or other family extension.


1. These Promotion or Competition Rules (‘the Rules’) apply to all NZMEPromotions or Competitions (collectively the ‘Promotion’) conducted on or offair and by means of any medium – online, radio, print, or a connected device.The Rules may change from time to time.

2. If aparticular Promotion has specific rules or terms (‘the ‘Specific Rules’) thoseSpecific Rules will apply if there is any inconsistency with the Rules.

3. Unless otherwise stated in the Specific Rulesregistration, entry or vote is limited to 1 per person. Where multipleregistrations, entries or votes are acceptable, each must be made separately.

4. Entry into the Promotion is deemed to be acceptance of the Rules and the SpecificRules and confirmation that the entrant has the necessary authority (forexample from the bill payer or owner of a telephone) to enter the Promotion.

5. No purchase is necessary to win or participate in the Promotion, unless specifiedin the Specific Rules.

6. The Promotion is open to New Zealand Residents only. Disqualified Participants maynot enter in the Promotion.

7. NZME reserves the right to exclude any person from participating in the Promotion onreasonable grounds.

8. NZME reserves the right to refuse to award any prize to an entrant who NZME decides(in its sole discretion) has violated the Rules (including the Specific Rules),gained unfair advantage in participating in the Promotion or won usingfraudulent means.

9. By participating, entrants grant NZME exclusive permission to use their names, characters,photographs, videos, voices and likeness in connection with the Promotion andfor future promotion and marketing purposes and waive any claims to royalty,right or remuneration for such use.

10. All entrant personal details must be valid and up to date and will be held by NZMEand may be used for the purpose of the Promotion and for future promotion andmarketing purposes in accordance with NZME Privacy Policy (see otherwise directed by contestants at the time of entry.

11. Personal information provided at the time of entry is presumed to be true and, in thecase of text or email notification – active, through to and beyond the date ofthe Promotion’s completion.

12. Where the Promotion involves texting, thefollowing apply:
(a) Standard SMS text charges will apply, unless otherwise stated in theSpecific Rules and will depend on the entrant’s particular plan or agreementwith their phone service provider;
(b) Any form of automated text message is invalid;
(c) The telephone number from which the entry was made will be stored in adatabase. The entrant has a two-business-day period from the time of entry torequest removal from the database. If no request is made it is deemedacceptance that the information can be used for future promotion and marketingpurposes; and
(d) NZME takes no responsibility for text costs incurred after the Promotionhas closed as stipulated in the Specific Rules.

Winning the Prize

13. Only the person who originally entered the Promotion can be awarded theprize (the ‘Winner’).

14. The Winner will be determined in the manner setout in the Rules or the Specific Rules - if not specified then as determined bythe Promoter who shall for this purpose be deemed the judge (the ‘Judge’).

15. The Judge’s determination of the Winner will be final and no correspondence will beentered into.

16. The Winner will be notified by email, phone (voice or text), mail or in person andmust be available for the preparation of all publicity that may be required byNZME. Where attempts to contact the Winner fail (eg when the Winner cannot becontacted by phone after three attempts or mail sent is returned) the Judgewill select another winner. If, after successful notification, the prize is notcollected within two months of being announced it will be regarded as forfeit.(Note: 3 attempts to contact the Winner will include individual calls to anynumbers provided at the time of entry. However, should the prize’s total worthequal less than NZD$250 and be a live-to-air draw, only one failed attempt atcontact will be acceptable before the Judge selects another winner.)

17. The Prize is not redeemable for cash or transferable. No other family members, friends,office associates or any other person will be able to participate on theWinner’s behalf. In the event that the Prize specified in the Competitionbecomes unavailable for any reason the Promoter may substitute a prize of likeor equal value.

18. Where the Winner is required to claim the prize in person, they must provide properidentification (eg driver’s licence, passport, birth certificate). If theWinner is under the age of 18 years their parent or legal guardian mustaccompany the Winner or give their prior written consent to the award of thePrize.

19. The Winner takes the Prize entirely at his/her own risk and indemnifies NZME inrespect of any claim for any accident, injury, property damage or loss of lifethat may occur in connection with the prize. The Winner is responsible for allinsurance, tax or other costs that may be associated with the Prize. Where thePrize has associated terms and conditions the Winner accepts the Prize subjectto those terms and conditions and restrictions.

20. Where the Prize includes air travel and/oraccommodation, either international or domestic (the ‘Travel Prize’):

(1) the Winner MUST have valid documentation,including but not limited to valid passports and Visas, which meet therequirements of immigration and other government authorities at everydestination.

(a) Any fines, penalties, payments or expenditures incurred as a result of suchdocuments not meeting the requirements of those authorities (including anycosts associated with delay, will be the sole responsibility of the Winner).

(b) When the Travel Prize includes travel to or through the United States, itis the Winner’s responsibility when travelling into or through (transitingincluded) the United States under the Visa Waiver Program to apply for an ElectronicSystem for Travel Authorisation (ESTA) no later than 72 hours prior todeparture if required. The winner must visit the US Department of HomelandSecurity website and fill in the required information. The cost of the ESTA isthe sole responsibility of the Winner.

(2) TheWinner and their travelling companion (if applicable) must travel together atall times. The Winner is responsible for transport from their residence totheir nearest international airport for flight departure and from their nearestinternational airport to their residence upon returning to New Zealand.

(3) Flighttickets are available on the regular scheduled services of each airline and aresubject to seasonal embargos. The flight itinerary may have to be adjusteddepending on the airline's departure city and their current flight schedule.Unless otherwise specified, the air travel is economy class.

(4) Anychanges to travel dates or additional accommodation outside the travel periodspecified in the Travel Prize details, made by the winner, which incuradditional costs, are to be paid by the Travel Prize winner.

(5) Unlessexplicitly stated in the Specific Rules, the Winner will be responsible forexpenses including, but not limited to, spending money, meals, drinks,transport, laundry charges, activities, incidentals, taxes (excluding departureand any other flight associated taxes included within the Travel Prize),gratuities, services charges, passports, visas, travel insurance and all otherancillary costs associated with redeeming the Travel Prize. The Winner mustobtain travel insurance to protect themselves against additional costs incurredin the event of unforeseen circumstances.

(6) TheTravel Prize is not transferable or exchangeable and cannot be redeemed forcash. The Travel Prize must be taken as stated in the Specific Rules and nocompensation will be payable if the Winner is unable to use the Travel Prize asstated. For the avoidance of doubt, if the Winner is, for whatever reason,unable to travel on a nominated date during this period, whether the failurewas due to reasons beyond the Winner's control or otherwise, then the Winnerwill forfeit the Travel Prize.

(7) ThePromoter makes no representation as to safety, conditions and other issues thatmay exist at any destination. International travel advice can be obtained fromvarious sources, including government, local consular offices and the web siteof the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. The winner acceptsthe Travel Prize at their own risk.

(8) All travel is subject to the terms, conditionsand restrictions of the Travel Prize service providers. Any travellingcompanion included in the Travel Prize (if applicable) accepts the Travel Prizesubject to these terms, conditions and restrictions as if references to theWinner in the relevant clauses were to the travelling companion. The Winner andtheir travelling companion must sign a legal release, in a form acceptable tothe Promoter in its absolute discretion, if requested by the Promoter.

NZME Responsibility

21. NZME reserves the right to amend, vary, extend or discontinue a Promotion at anystage, for any reason.

22. NZME takes no responsibility for any inability to enter, complete, continue orconclude the Promotion due to equipment or technical malfunction, busy lines,inadvertent disconnection, texts with a misspelt keyword, texts to an incorrectshortcode, Force Majeure or otherwise.

23. To the fullest extent permitted by law NZME will not be liable for any loss or damagewhatsoever (including but not limited to direct or consequential loss) or forpersonal injury as a result of Promotion entry or winning the prize.

24. Where the Prize is to be supplied by an entity outside NZME control and that entityfails, for whatever reason, to supply the prize, NZME has no responsibility forthe provision of the Prize and is not obliged to provide an alternative Prizeor to take legal action to require the Prize supplier to provide the Prize.


25. Participation in the Promotion is deemed acceptance of these Terms andConditions.

26. If the Winner does not accept these Terms and Conditions the prize will be forfeited.