10 Tenth Avenue Tauranga_0
10 Tenth Avenue Tauranga_1
10 Tenth Avenue Tauranga_2
Features and Amenities
Heated Indoor Pool
Billiards Room
Art Gallery
Indoor Bowls
Billiards Room
Accommodation types
Independent Living ApartmentsCare Home

The Avenues offers superior apartment accommodation that allows for completely independent living, with care and support available should you ever need it. 

We are often told that our impressive apartments are more like a five-star hotel than a retirement village! You have the choice of a 1, 2 or 3 bedroom apartment, all with access to 24-hour emergency care and a decking area overlooking our gardens. 

Some even offer magnificent views over Memorial Park to the Tauranga harbour. 

The bigger apartments are great if you are having to make the transition from a big family home to an apartment. 

They are tastefully decorated in neutral colours so no matter what style your furniture is, it’s bound to fit right in! 

Our apartments offer the independence you’ve always enjoyed with the added advantages of 24-hour security and companionship nearby.

While you remain responsible for your household tasks and meals, we take care of all the outdoor maintenance. If you would like more help, we offer a range of service and care packages delivered to you in your home.

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