We found393 Tourism & Hospitality businesses businesses for sale in Auckland.
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Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

$180,000 + Stock
Address withheld, Parnell

$450,000 + SAV
Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

$250,000 Plus Stock at Valuation
Address withheld, Parnell

$1,100,000 Plus Stock
Address withheld, Parnell

$252,000 plus stock
Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

$1,025,000 + SAV
Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

$120,000 + stock
Address withheld, Auckland Central

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

$210,000 Or Near Offer
Address withheld, Parnell

$840,000 Purchasers have an option to choose plant items they wish to buy.
Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Warkworth

Land, Buildings and Business - Reduced by Motivated Vendor
Address withheld, Pōkeno

Address withheld, Albany

Address withheld, Albany

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Oneroa

$180,000 plus stock
Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Auckland Central

$990,000 Or Near Offer
Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Albany

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

Address withheld, Parnell

$195,000 + SAV
Address withheld, Parnell

$58,000 plus Stock
Address withheld, Parnell

$135,000 + Stocks At Valuation
Address withheld, Albany
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Property types