We found22 commercial properties for lease in Ferrymead, Christchurch City.

21-23 Humphreys Drive_0
21-23 Humphreys Drive, Ferrymead
Cowdy (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Christchurch
3/950 Ferry Road_0
Please contact agent
3/950 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
Colliers, Christchurch, South Island Commercial Limited (Licensed: REAA 2008)
14 Settlers Crescent_0
Price By Negotiation
14 Settlers Crescent, Ferrymead
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Harcourts, Christchurch City Commercial
Unit 15/27 Waterman Place_0
Annual $12,500 +GST
Unit 15/27 Waterman Place, Ferrymead
Cowdy (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Christchurch
5/1008 Ferry Road_0
$35,000 plus GST
5/1008 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Harcourts, Christchurch City Commercial
4/1008 Ferry Road_0
$30,000 plus GST
4/1008 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Harcourts, Christchurch City Commercial
3/1008 Ferry Road_0
$30,000 plus GST
3/1008 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Harcourts, Christchurch City Commercial
21 - 23 Humphreys Drive_0
Please contact agent
21 - 23 Humphreys Drive, Ferrymead
Colliers, Christchurch, South Island Commercial Limited (Licensed: REAA 2008)
160 Ferry Road_0
Please contact agent
160 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
Colliers, Christchurch, South Island Commercial Limited (Licensed: REAA 2008)
Video available
2/11 Tussock Lane_0
By Negotiation + GST + outgoings
2/11 Tussock Lane, Ferrymead
Raine Blackadder Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Ray White, Commercial Christchurch
Video available
2/11 Tussock Lane_0
$33,500pa + GST + outgoings
2/11 Tussock Lane, Ferrymead
Raine Blackadder Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Ray White, Commercial Christchurch
Video available
2/11 Tussock Lane_0
By Negotiation + GST + outgoings
2/11 Tussock Lane, Ferrymead
Raine Blackadder Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Ray White, Commercial Christchurch
Unit D, 1013 Ferry Road_0
$60,000 per annum (includes car parks) + outgoings & GST
Unit D, 1013 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
Colliers, Christchurch, South Island Commercial Limited (Licensed: REAA 2008)
10/27 Waterman Place_0
Annual $12,000 +GST
10/27 Waterman Place, Ferrymead
Savills Christchurch
5/1063 Ferry Road_0
Asking Price
5/1063 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Harcourts, Christchurch City Commercial
5C/1063 Ferry Road_0
Asking Price
5C/1063 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Harcourts, Christchurch City Commercial
5B/1063 Ferry Road_0
Asking Price
5B/1063 Ferry Road, Ferrymead
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Harcourts, Christchurch City Commercial
Address withheld_0
By Negotiation + GST + outgoings
Address withheld, Ferrymead
Raine Blackadder Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Ray White, Commercial Christchurch
Address withheld_0
By Negotiation + GST + outgoings
Address withheld, Ferrymead
Raine Blackadder Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Ray White, Commercial Christchurch
Address withheld_0
By Negotiation + GST + outgoings
Address withheld, Ferrymead
Raine Blackadder Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Ray White, Commercial Christchurch
3/27 Waterman Place_0
Price by Negotiation
3/27 Waterman Place, Ferrymead
Savills Christchurch
14 Settlers Crescent._0
$84,121 p.a. Plus GST (if any)
14 Settlers Crescent., Ferrymead
Grenadier Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Harcourts, Christchurch City Commercial
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