We found184 commercial properties for lease in Rosedale, North Shore City.

B1, 63 Apollo Drive_0
Please contact agent
B1, 63 Apollo Drive, Rosedale
Colliers North Shore, (Licensed: REAA 2008)
B3/14-22 Triton Drive_0
Price on Application
B3/14-22 Triton Drive, Rosedale
Cooper & Co Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - NAI Harcourts North Shore
Unit A3/72 Apollo Drive_0
By negotiation
Unit A3/72 Apollo Drive, Rosedale
Barfoot & Thompson Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - North Shore Commercial
C3, 27-29 William Pickering Drive_0
Please contact agent
C3, 27-29 William Pickering Drive, Rosedale
Colliers North Shore, (Licensed: REAA 2008)
94 Apollo Drive_0
Asking Price
94 Apollo Drive, Rosedale
JLL - Auckland (Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008)
B/4 Arrenway Drive_0
Price on Application
B/4 Arrenway Drive, Rosedale
Commercial North Shore Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Bayleys, North Shore Commercial
Bldng 2,L3/61 Constellation Drive_0
$67,860 p.a. Plus GST (if any)
Bldng 2,L3/61 Constellation Drive, Rosedale
Cooper & Co Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - NAI Harcourts North Shore
6 Antares Place_0
Price By Negotiation
6 Antares Place, Rosedale
LJ Hooker Pukekohe
F2/14 - 22 Triton Drive_0
Price on Application
F2/14 - 22 Triton Drive, Rosedale
Cooper & Co Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - NAI Harcourts North Shore
Address withheld_0
By negotiation
Address withheld, Rosedale
Barfoot & Thompson Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - City Commercial
94 Apollo Drive_0
Please contact agent
94 Apollo Drive, Rosedale
Colliers North Shore, (Licensed: REAA 2008)
94 Apollo Drive_0
Please contact agent
94 Apollo Drive, Rosedale
Colliers North Shore, (Licensed: REAA 2008)
Video available
94 Apollo Drive_0
Please contact agent
94 Apollo Drive, Rosedale
Colliers North Shore, (Licensed: REAA 2008)
3.01/119 Apollo Drive_0
Price on Application
3.01/119 Apollo Drive, Rosedale
Cooper & Co Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - NAI Harcourts North Shore
3.12B/119 Apollo Drive_0
Price on Application
3.12B/119 Apollo Drive, Rosedale
Cooper & Co Real Estate Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - NAI Harcourts North Shore
61 Constellation Drive_0
Price by negotiation
61 Constellation Drive, Rosedale
CBRE (Agency) Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Auckland City
18 Canaveral Drive_0
Price by Negotiation
18 Canaveral Drive, Rosedale
CBRE (Agency) Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - Auckland City
7C Triton Drive_0
Asking Price
7C Triton Drive, Rosedale
JLL - Auckland (Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008)
Building 1, Level 3/61 Constellation Drive_0
Asking Price
Building 1, Level 3/61 Constellation Drive, Rosedale
JLL - Auckland (Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008)
8 Antares Place_0
Asking Price
8 Antares Place, Rosedale
JLL - Auckland (Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008)
28 - 30 Constellation Drive_0
Asking Price
28 - 30 Constellation Drive, Rosedale
JLL - Auckland (Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008)
Address withheld_0
By negotiation
Address withheld, Rosedale
Barfoot & Thompson Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - North Shore Commercial
3.03C/119 Apollo Drive_0
Annual $42,457 +GST
3.03C/119 Apollo Drive, Rosedale
Barfoot & Thompson Ltd (Licensed: REAA 2008) - North Shore Commercial
B1/16 Saturn Place_0
Price By Negotiation
B1/16 Saturn Place, Rosedale
Telos Group Real Estate (Licensed: REAA 2008)
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