Internationally renowned franchise pizza brand, in existence in New Zealand since 1974. This store is located in a very busy area.
Making good profit margins, A very well presented store with well maintained equipment and plenty of convenient car parking available. Average weekly turnover $17,500 to $19,500 excluding GST & is growing day by day. Reasonable outgoings & secured lease.
100% staff managed store, however a great opportunity for an owner/operator. Huge operating territory.
Asking $850,000 + SAV
Please contact Anil Vazirani on DDI: 09 525 2645 (OR) MOB: 021 0277 8149
Shweta Vazirani on DDI: 09 555 6047 (OR) MOB: 021 236 5840
Reference: EL00616
Ref: EL00616
Timestamp: 20200312020105