Situated close to Blenheim Road, the Riccarton commercial precinct and central Christchurch, this ground floor premises is in a two-storey commercial building constructed in 2015.
The unit is one of ten Unit Titled Office suites in a building with sealed yard areas adjacent which incorporate carparks.
Offering a reception area, hallway, two offices plus a meeting room/office, kitchen and accessible WC. A heat pump is situated in the hallway.
The unit is currently tenanted and the lease for the property was renewed from October 2022 for a term of three years.
One further right of renewal for a three year term.
FOR SALE - Offers Over $400,000 plus GST (if any)
JOE ROSEVEAR M 0274 339 957 or LINDSAY HODDER M 021 662 748
No one will be able to attend a property viewing if they have cold/flu like symptoms, are self-isolating, are awaiting a COVID-19 test or have been in contact with a confirmed COVID-19 case.
Record keeping, and social distancing are required.
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Christchurch Real Estate Limited - Licensed Agent REAA 2008