Located in the heart of Invercargills bustling CBD, this large 1st floor approx. 170m2 set of quality offices will suit many businesses'. Most recently this have been a spacious lawyers office and is presented extremely well. A very versatile layout with currently setup as 3 offices, large boardroom and large family room but multiple options here so could accommodate multiple staff numbers. The site comes with 2 carparks included and is surrounded by quality businesses. Such a central location will always be popular with both staff and clientele so we would expect this space to lease quickly. Available 1 April 2025. PLEASE NOTE: $25,000 + GST (if any) + 50% of OPEX
Please note: Land and Floor area measurements are approximate, and boundary lines indicative only. All efforts have been made to source accurate information from reputable sources (i.e Regional/City councils, Propertysmarts/REINZ/Property-Guru, Core Logic etc). We cannot, however, verify its accuracy and suggest this should not replace independent clarification through standard due diligence.