• 1,828sqm metalled yard
• Easy access to arterial routes north and south
• Corner location in the heart of Te Rapa Gateway
• Land can be purchased - price by negotiation, owner is keen to get a deal
• Available now
Popular location fronting Kiriwai Kaui Drive and Brent Greig Lane, part of Te Rapa Gateway Industrial precinct, very close to Hamilton's new Park and Ride rail facility. The surrounding industrial area has experienced significant growth over the last five years. Nearby new businesses include Bidfoods, VINZ, Fairview Joinery, TEAM and others. Completion of the HCC Park & Ride has sparked further in this immediate area, more growth is planned.
An opportunity to position your business right by Hamilton's Park & Ride facility and other significant linkages, the area is fast becoming one of the City's busier industrial locations.
Call the Sole Agents today.